Your bathroom is usually one of the dirtiest rooms in your house, requiring frequent cleaning to keep it fresh and smelling nice. Use these bathroom deep cleaning hacks to get your bathroom cleaner than ever!
1) Make a Cleaning Checklist
Most of us probably can’t wait to be done cleaning our bathrooms, even if we’re not actually all the way done with them. For that reason, creating a little checklist before you get started can be pretty helpful. Although each person’s list will differ, it should probably include the sink and the faucets; mirrors; bathtub, shower head, and fixtures; toilet; and floors, including and the grout.
2) Basic Bathtub and Shower Cleaning
This is one of the trickier parts of cleaning the bathroom. To start, it’s good to hit all the surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Let the spray sit on the surfaces for a minute or two before scrubbing it all out — and be sure to apply the spray liberally. If you have stains or grime that’s too heavy for the spray, throw a layer of baking soda in the tub and let it sit for about 30 minutes. After that, scrub everything with a rag or sponge. Do the same thing with the fixtures, shower head, and doors.
The basic step of cleaning the toilet means throwing your toilet bowl cleaner in and letting it sit while you do the rest of the toilet. First, get your all-purpose spray and soak down the edges, outside, and rear areas of the toilet. Use a rag or a scrub brush to get all around the toilet — and be sure to use baking soda and vinegar as necessary if you smell any bad odors! After you’re done with everything else, you can use a toilet bowl scrubber to scrub the inside of the bowl and flush when you’re done. You can also pour vinegar in the tank to remove stains there. Oftentimes, stains in your toilet bowl come from the tank. White vinegar will help get rid of them!
This typically isn’t as bad as the other areas, but it still needs some love and attention. As with the other steps, spray the sink itself with your cleaning spray and scrub away, using the heavier stuff only if necessary. Be sure to use window cleaner or a vinegar solution on the mirror to finish it off!
The reason we do the floors last is so if anything falls to the ground from the sink or the toilet or wherever else during the cleaning process, you can get it all at the end (and, of course, because you can’t clean in there while the floor is wet). First, start by either sweeping or vacuuming the bathroom floor to get the dust out. After that, you can clean the grout by using grout cleaner and a wire brush. After that, you can either mop or use a Swiffer Wet Jet on the floor to finish everything off.
6) Bathtub and Shower Deep Cleaning Hack
Want to really make that bathtub shine? Simply add 1 part Dawn dish soap to 1 part vinegar in a dish-wand, seal it tight and it’s ready to go. Run the water in the shower to get it lightly coated, and scrub away to your heart’s content. The mixture cuts right through the soap scum, leaving a squeaky-clean feel to your oh-so-loved shower!
7) Deep Clean the Showerhead
Okay, this hack is extremely easy. Can you guess the main ingredient? That’s right; vinegar! There’s a reason this powerhouse ingredient is in almost every natural cleaner. It is effective! So to get that nasty buildup off of your showerhead, immerse the head in a plastic resealable bag filled with vinegar, secure the bag with a rubber band, and let it sit for around an hour. When you remove the bag, run the shower for a minute or two, and then give it a quick wipe down. You’ll be amazed at the difference and will never run out of vinegar again.
A tip so simple, you would hardly believe it’s a hack. Yet I can’t even begin to describe how many times I went to clean my toilet right after mopping the bathroom floor. It seems like no big deal until you drip dirty, old toilet water all over your fresh floor when you go to scrub! Allow the brush to drip-dry each time you use it by wedging it between the bowl and the seat.
Here is a hack I know many a lady will LOVE! You know that really gross mold that builds up in the grout between tiles and the caulking where the tub meets the wall? Yeah, that brownish-black muck that we all hate. Well, now you can virtually wipe it out! All you need to do is mix just enough bleach with baking soda to make a thick paste. Make enough to line every place you see the mold in your shower (works on countertops too). Then lay it on thick and let it sit for at least eight hours. Wipe off the paste, gently scrubbing any stubborn bits off with a toothbrush, and give it a rinse. Bam! No more nasty shower muck in your grout.
10) Remove Hard Water Stains Using a Lemon
Yep. It’s as simple as it looks. Cut a lemon in half and use each half like a little scrub brush, thoroughly going over all the stains. This works especially well on chrome fixtures.
11) Deep Clean the Glass Shower Door
There are two ways to approach cleaning your shower that are both effective and easy. The approach you’ll want to use is totally dependent on how much soap-scum has built up on your shower doors. If you are just doing maintenance cleaning, and there isn’t much soap scum, using worn-out, balled-up pantyhose can do wonders for clearing up the water deposits on the shower doors. However, if you are like most of the population and your shower doors haven’t seen a good squeegeeing in a while, then the Magic Eraser is your BEST friend. This works not just for shower doors, but also bathroom mirrors, chrome fixtures, and glass in general.
12) Clean Using Dryer Sheets
That’s right! Dryer sheets can do more than soften up your laundry and smell nice. You can use these as an alternative to cleaning your shower doors and mirrors. They remove water spots like a charm, and their anti-static effect makes them perfect for wiping down all the dusty spots in your house.
13) Remove Stains From Porcelain
Depending on the shape your sink is in, this a 1- to-3-step process. If you’re only battling a little soap scum, you can get away with using a small amount of Bar-Keeper’s Friend. If your sink is looking pretty miserable, though, you can first wash it with dish-soap/detergent to remove any grime and most of the buildup. Then spray your whole surface down with bleach, and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Go ahead and wipe it down, and if it’s clean enough for your liking, go on with your day. If you still have a few marks or stains in the sink, put Bar-Keeper’s Friend on each mark and gently rub it in, then wipe away. You’ll be thrilled at how your sink shines!
14) Deep Clean Using a Screwdriver
No kidding. I can’t believe I never thought of this before! When things start to smell a bit funky, wrap a Clorox wipe around the tip of your screwdriver, and run it beneath or around those hard-to-reach places. You will be oh-so-happy you did!
This is more of a tip than a hack. It’s always nice to have a paper towel handy, especially in one of the dirtiest places in the house. However, they don’t exactly pass for home decor. Have your cake and eat it too, with this nifty mounted shelf paper towel holder!
16) Clean the Toilet Brush
In addition to drip-drying your toilet brush, you can add a small amount of Pine-Sol to the holder. It will keep the whole room smelling fresh and be ready to use when you go to scrub the toilet next. Just make sure you remember it’s there so you can give your brush a little tap to let the excess cleaner drip down into the holder first, and avoid splashing yourself.
17) Deep Clean Faucet Handles
When is the last time you deep-cleaned your faucet handles? I know, not a common question. When you think about it, though, that faucet handle sees a HUGE amount of traffic. That traffic is usually comprised of hands that just flushed the toilet, so you can imagine the bacteria that hide beneath those faucet covers. Fortunately, in order to get things nice and clean, you only need to remove the cover and use a screwdriver to remove the handle. Soak it in vinegar, give a quick scrub, and you’re back on track!
18) Power Scrub Tougher Stains
Need some heavy firepower for the tougher bathroom stains? No problem. Time to bring out the power drill. Just whip out your tool box and attach a scrubber with strong bristles to the drill bit part of your power drill. Use your bathroom cleaning spray of choice and grind away!
19) Unclog Drains Using Alka Seltzer
Let’s face it, your drains are always going to clog eventually. Cleaners and tools can be expensive, especially when it comes time to call the plumber. Luckily, you might have some Alka Seltzer and vinegar around the house, which can be combined to life hack away at your clogged drains! Just drop two tablets of Alka Seltzer down your drain. Pour in a cup of vinegar after, and wait for a couple of minutes. Then fill a container with hot water and rinse out your drain, and you should be good to go!
20) Remove Soap Scum With Cooking Spray
Nobody likes white grime on your shower doors and walls. Unfortunately, soap scum can build up quickly and be difficult to remove. Although it’s a little unconventional, it works like a charm! Grab some non-stick cooking spray and apply it around your shower, especially areas with heavy soap scum. Let the spray sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and then wash it away with cold water. You should notice a much cleaner shower immediately!
21) Shine Faucets Using Baby Oil
There’s something weirdly pleasing about metal surfaces with a perfect shine. Unfortunately, you might not associate the faucets in your bathroom with a glossy look. The good news is that baby oil, yes, baby oil, can be your bathroom sparkling savior. First, grab a soft cloth and wet it with warm water. Use it to wipe off your metal surfaces and faucets. Then dab a little bit of baby oil and rub the cloth over your faucets again for a perfect shine.
22) Deep Clean the Bathroom Mirror With Black Tea
Your bathroom mirror can take quite a bit of damage over time. There are lots of ways you can approach the mess once it’s there, but you might not have known that black tea can be an effective way of keeping your bathroom clean. For mirrors that are beginning to build up with grime, dip a soft click in brewed black tea and rub it over grime to break it up. The tannins in the tea make it easy to remove, and your bathroom will be looking perfect in no time.
23) Remove Hard Water Stains From Faucets
An easy way to remove hard water stains from faucets is to wrap paper towels soaked in distilled vinegar around the faucets and allow them to sit for one hour. Follow up by using an old toothbrush to get into hard-to-reach areas.
24) Easy-to-Make Mirror Cleaner
To make a solution to get rid of unsightly and often hard-to-remove splatters on your bathroom mirror, mix ammonia, rubbing alcohol, and Dawn dish soap. Spray the mixture on the mirror using a spray bottle, and wipe clean.
25) Unclog Drains Using Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Salt
A mixture that quickly unclogs drains is baking soda, cleaning vinegar, and salt. You can also pour this mixture into your drains on a regular basis to keep them working properly.
26) Perfect Mold and Mildew Remover
To remove mold and mildew from your bathroom, place cleaning vinegar and baking soda in a spray bottle. Spray down the areas with the mold or mildew, and wipe clean. Make sure to wear a mask and gloves when cleaning up mold.
27) Clean the Shower Track
Clean the tracks in your bathroom windows or shower track using a mixture of baking soda and cleaning vinegar. Scrub the mixture into the tracks using an old toothbrush. To get into the cracks and crevices of the track, use a butter knife and clean cloth.
28) Clean the Shower Curtain
An easy way to clean your dirty shower curtain is to throw it in the wash with some laundry detergent and a cup of cleaning vinegar. You can also throw in some dirty towels to help with the cleaning process.
29) Clean the Exhaust Fan
The exhaust fan is one often neglected area in a bathroom. Clean the vent using a vacuum with the crevice and brush accessories. You can also use a scrub brush and Dawn dish soap to remove caked-on dust and dirt.
Quickly and easily clean your bathroom walls with a Swiffer Sweeper, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and some clean clothes. Start by cleaning up any marks using the Magic Eraser. Next, mop the walls using the Swiffer. Finally, wipe the walls down with a clean cloth to help dry them.
To get bathroom towels clean and smelling fresh, put a little cleaning vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice in with your detergent the next time you wash them. This should get rid of any musty or bad smells in your towels.
To clean up urine from the floor around the toilet, and other areas, make a paste using baking soda, lemon juice, and cleaning vinegar. Apply it using an old toothbrush and allow it to sit. To remove it, simply wipe the area with a clean cloth.
33) Deep Clean the Baseboards
When cleaning baseboards, you have multiple ways of doing so. One of the easiest is to use a broom with a clean rag secured over the bristles. You can also get the same effect by placing an old sock over a disposable toilet wand. Spray some cleaner on the sock if desired.
Clean the jets on your Jacuzzi bathtub by mixing baking soda, cleaning vinegar, and water together. Apply the mixture and scrub the jets using an old toothbrush. Wipe up the mixture with a clean cloth.
35) Fix a Slow-Draining Sink
To fix a slow drain in your bathroom sink, loosen and remove the trap and tail piece underneath the sink, making sure to place a container to catch any water or debris. Use an old toothbrush to clean out any grime and debris. Replace both and tighten securely. You can also remove the drain plug and clean the pipe leading from the sink. Simply detach the plug from the push rod, and remove and scrub the pipe using the toothbrush. A good cleaner to pour in occasionally is 1/2 cup of baking soda and 2 cups of hot vinegar, followed by 2 cups of hot water.
36) Easy-to-Make Toilet Cleaning Tablets
To make DIY cleaning tablets for your toilet, mix 2 cups of baking soda with 2/3 cup of citric acid. Spray the mixture with a misting bottle until it starts to clump together. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Use a 1 teaspoon measuring cup to place onto a parchment paper, or silicon mold, to dry overnight.
37) Remove Toilet Bowl Rings Using Lemonade-Flavored Kool-Aid
Sprinkle lemonade-flavored Kool-Aid around your toilet bowl. Allow it to sit for a few hours before scrubbing it away. The citric acid in the Kool-Aid helps to break down any grime or hard-water deposits and is great for removing toilet bowl rings.
38) DIY Homemade Floor Cleaner
To make a homemade floor cleaner that smells great, mix equal parts vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water. Add a few drops of dish soap for help in cutting through grease. In addition, you can add your favorite essential oils to make your bathroom smell wonderful.
39) Organize Under the Sink
Help your cleaning efforts by organizing the area underneath your sink. Get rid of items you don’t use or seldom use, and place the rest in various organizers. Some great organizers to use under the bathroom sink include a Lazy Susan, baskets, and hooks.
An easy way to clean your plunger is by rinsing it off in the toilet while flushing it a few times. To disinfect it, mix bleach and dish soap in your toilet bowl. Place the plunger head in the mixture and swish the plunger around. Flush when finished.
40 Deep Bathroom Cleaning Hacks
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As you can see, deep cleaning your bathroom is easy if you have the right tools and put aside the time for the task. When deep cleaning, use the previous bathroom cleaning hacks to get it sparkly clean.