After you read this article, go straight to your fridge and start refrigerating the right way. Your foods (and taste buds) will thank you.

Do you ever feel like your fridge seems to be getting smaller and smaller? Well, it’s probably because you’re putting things in there that you probably shouldn’t. Many Americans make the mistake of putting everything they get from the grocery store into the fridge, not knowing that it will actually kill the flavor of many foods. In a time when many of us buy in bulk (food is just so expensive these days!), it becomes even more important to manage the space in your fridge effectively. This can be hard because some of us would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to refridgerating our food.

We went ahead and compiled a list of items that a lot of people actually do put in the fridge, but are not supposed to. Some of the items on this list might actually surprise you! By removing these items from your fridge, you not only free up space, but you also improve the taste and quality of the items that should be stored at room temperature.

Here’s a list of what you shouldn’t be putting your refrigerator.